Campus expands electric vehicle charging options

Want to commute in an electric vehicle? Colorado State University now offers 18 electric vehicle chargers at seven on-campus stations. These charging stations allow faculty, staff and visitors to use an eco-friendly means of alternative transportation right on campus. Locations:

  • Between Durward Hall and Laurel Village, along Laurel Street.
  • Between Scott Bioengineering and Rockwell West.
  • At University Services Center on Laurel and Meldrum streets.
  • At Powerhouse Energy Campus at 430 N. College Ave.
  • At Facilities Services South parking lot on Lake Street and East Drive.
  • First floor of the Lake Street Garage at Lake Street between Prospect Road and Center Avenue
  • Research Blvd parking lot directly west of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Electric vehicles enhance sustainability efforts at Colorado State by offering an inexpensive and clean way to get around town, and also usher in a new era of sustainable transportation that will continue for generations to come. These free charging stations are available to all employees and visitors who have a Chargepoint card and a valid Parking and Transportation Services parking permit.
  • Use of the chargers is free.
  • Charging (and parking in a charging space) is limited to four hours.
  • All electric vehicles must have a valid CSU parking permit including daily or hourly permits.
  • To park in a designated electric vehicle space or to charge on campus, all users must register their campus parking permit as an electric vehicle permit.
  • To register the vehicle as an electric vehicle, visit Parking and Transportation Services at the Lake Street Garage, first floor office.
  • All electric vehicles must have a visible electric vehicle designation sticker from state of Colorado.
  • Out-of-state vehicle? Come to the Parking and Transportation Services office to receive your electric vehicle sticker.
  • Chargepoint chargers require a Chargepoint card. Parking and Transportation Services will outline details regarding your specific vehicle when you come in to register your electric vehicle permit.
In addition to providing clean and sustainable transportation, state and federal tax credits help make buying an electric vehicle an even smarter choice. In addition to a federal tax credit of $7,500, Colorado residents can claim an additional state credit of up to $6,000 when they buy an electric vehicle. Together, these incentives significantly reduce the cost of buying an electric vehicle – more than 40 percent in some cases. Purchasing a vehicle at the end of the calendar year helps to provide a quick turnaround to receive tax credits for 2015. Colorado State University is a member of Drive Electric Northern Colorado, which is organizing a group buy price reduction for electric vehicles for northern Colorado residents. The university also has taken the Department of Energy's Workplace Charging Challenge pledge.

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Work on underpass begins

Work is beginning on an underpass for pedestrians, bikes and longboarders at the intersection of Prospect and Center. The underpass will provide safe passage under Prospect and serve as a gateway onto campus, connecting Aggie Village, the south campus and horticulture facilities to main campus. The underpass features a wide passageway, providing ample space for multiple modes of transportation, and will be well lit. Underpass Rendering 2

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