Change your university benefits Oct. 30-Nov. 17

Open enrollment for faculty, administrative professionals and non-classified staff beings on Oct. 30 and ends on Nov. 17. This is the annual opportunity for employees to make changes to their health benefits and add or drop dependents from coverage effective Jan. 1. Changes to benefits outside this period are only allowed only under specific conditions.

Spring health care forum results

To discuss strategies to manage increasing health care costs, Human Resources hosted a series of forums to gauge employee preferences for potential benefit changes. The “Re-Envisioning Medical Plan Options” forums were part of the “Re-Envision Colorado State Initiative” in which faculty and staff have shared their ideas for the future of the university. (See the results)

As a result of the forums and shared ideas, a survey was sent to campus requesting feedback on ideas presented during these conversations. More than 1,800 employees participated in the benefits survey, representing roughly 35 percent of benefit-eligible, non-classified staff. Responses were discussed with Cabinet and the University Benefits Committee to determine future benefit plan changes.

Benefits Fair: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 9, at the Lory Student Center, North Ballroom

Help Sessions – Morgan Library, Room 173:

  • November 3       9 – 11 a.m.
  • November 7       1 – 3 p.m.
  • November 10     9 – 11 a.m.
  • November 15     1 – 3 p.m.

Health Fair

As part of the medical benefits offered by the university, the annual Health Fair offers a health screening and flu shot. Read more.

Plan changes for 2018

Based upon survey results, the following changes will take place effective Jan. 1:

  • Communication and education: 96 percent of respondents indicated they would like to receive additional communication about cost-saving tools. Human Resources is committed to providing education to employees about managing healthcare plan costs. Part of this endeavor includes resources such as Anthem’s LiveHealth Online service and ALEX, the benefits counselor.
  • Gold Plan: 779 of 1,501 respondents identified a plan they would suggest freezing; of those in favor, 63 percent recommended freezing enrollment on the Gold Plan. Employees currently covered under the Gold Plan may remain in that plan, but new enrollment in that plan will no longer be available.
  • Prescription drug coverage: 72 percent of employees supported changes to prescription coverage so that the cost difference between generic and brand-name drugs becomes the employee’s cost (similar to how the POS plan is currently administered).

Dependent eligibility audit: 92 percent of survey responses agreed that Human Resources audit the dependents currently covered under employee plans to ensure that all meet the criteria for coverage. The audit will take place in January – open enrollment is the ideal time to remove ineligible dependents from CSU benefit plans. For more information about the requirements to cover a dependent, visit

Monthly premiums for benefits

CSU employees will continue to receive basic life insurance and short and long-term disability insurance at no-cost. There will be no increase in monthly premiums for dental, vision, and voluntary life insurance.

A monthly increase in premium costs for employee medial plans will range from no increase to $39, depending on the plan and coverage level. Monthly increases based on plans are:

  • Green Plan and Ram Plan:
    • No increase for employee-only
    • Employee+1 premium will go up $10 per month
    • Employee plus family premium will go up $14
  • Gold Plan (for employees already enrolled; this plan is frozen to new enrollment):
    • Increase in premium of $5 per month for employee-only
    • Increase of $21 for employee+1
    • Employee plus family premium will go up $29
  • POS Plan:
    • Increase in premium of $9 per month for employee-only
    • $28 for employee+1
    • Employee plus family premium will go up $39