A Note from Lynn Shore: Department of Management Chair

Dear alumni and friends of the Management Department, [caption id="attachment_62504" align="alignleft" width="200"]A portrait photo of Lynn Shore, Professor and Chair of the Management Department at the College of Business Lynn Shore, Professor and Chair of the Management Department, College of Business[/caption] We are very happy to bring you news about the department. We have so many great activities to highlight, and we are proud of the accomplishments of our faculty, staff, and students. My four years as department chair have been exciting and fulfilling. I want to update you on our management concentrations. The enrollments in our three concentrations in Management reached 375 in Organization and Innovation Management, 130 in Supply Chain Management, and 90 in Human Resource Management. We are very pleased to provide these concentrations, as these diverse options support the varied interests and career paths of our students. Students are also enrolling in our certificate programs. The popular, Entrepreneurship Certificate is designed for students both in the College of Business and across campus. This certificate allows us to support our undergraduate entrepreneurs, interested in starting a new venture, sustainability and new venture development, creativity and innovation, and business plan development. We are launching a new program this Spring: an entrepreneurship minor. This will interest many more students, from all concentrations, in our entrepreneurship curriculum. Our courses will now be populated by business students and their entrepreneurial peers from a wide variety of majors. The minor will be a great incubator for innovation and entrepreneurial ventures. Look for updates on this new initiative. The programs we are offering in Management support our CSU students in their education, and help them excel in the marketplace. Based on our strategic planning process, several important initiatives are underway. We are seeking to build stronger relations with our alumni and members of the business community to help us further our strategic goals. The Entrepreneurship Institute and Supply Chain Forum continue to expand our community of business professionals, to the benefit of our students, faculty, and programs. Especially important, are scholarship initiatives for our students and the continued support of faculty research. We seek to enhance the classroom environment for all of our students through the inclusion of business speakers, and offer hands-on applications of classroom material because our students learn by doing. I am very proud of the accomplishments of our faculty, staff, alumni, and students. As you will see in this newsletter, our students continue to be amazing. Be sure to also read about Professor Dan Krause, who is conducting some interesting research on his sabbatical next year. We are also very happy to feature alumnus John Weber who shares some highlights of his time at CSU and his career since graduation. I hope you get an opportunity to visit the CSU campus and see some of your favorite faculty members. When you have a chance, please send us any news you have about your career and life experiences. We would love to feature you in an upcoming newsletter.

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