School of Education recognized by the Employee Appreciation Board

School of Education members

The CSU Employee Appreciation Board recognized the School of Education (SOE) with a continental breakfast during its monthly staff meeting on Feb. 28.

The group was nominated by Barry Carroll, office manager of the SOE. She joined the group about a year ago and says that, without exception, each faculty/staff member she has met or worked with has been welcoming, helpful and supportive. She is constantly impressed by the high caliber of their advisors, course instructors and other faculty within the SOE.

Barry stated in her nomination, “The support staff of the SOE are also friendly and outgoing individuals who have a ‘make it happen’ attitude toward their work and students within the department. During a recent summertime renovation of the Education Building, all available hands pitched in to move office furniture, paint, pack up files and supplies regardless of official title/position or number of hours already worked that day. It is for this reason I think that the faculty and staff of the School of Education personify the ethos of CSU: innovative yet practical, experts in their field yet approachable, world-class researchers who are also engaging classroom teachers and concerned for each student’s success.”

If you have a department or unit you want to nominate, visit the EAB website.