Innovating Hurricane Research and Forecasting

CSU is a long-time leader in the field

a source special report
produced by University Marketing and Communications

published July 11, 2024

For the past 40 years, Colorado State University has been at the forefront of tropical weather research and seasonal hurricane forecasting. Every day, CSU faculty and students lead work on predicting, understanding and mitigating the impacts of destructive hurricanes like Katrina, Irma and now Beryl.

By integrating work from the university’s top-rated Department of Atmospheric Science with expertise in climate studies, engineering and social sciences, CSU researchers develop comprehensive strategies to address the challenges posed by these storms. The university also leads in quickly translating and applying new techniques, methods and findings to real-world storms through a now decades-long partnership with the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere.

Beyond the 2024 Atlantic seasonal hurricane forecast, the stories in this Special Report from SOURCE showcase the university’s expertise in better understanding the rapid intensification of storms, community resilience planning and understanding how storms destroy buildings.


Researchers predicting well above-average 2024 Atlantic hurricane season

Colorado State University hurricane researchers are predicting an extremely active Atlantic hurricane season in their initial 2024 forecast. The team cites record warm tropical and eastern subtropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures as a primary factor for their prediction of 11 hurricanes this year. read more


Special Reports

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