Faculty Council hears budget update, discusses new faculty annual review ratings

Administration Building

Editor’s Note: Amy Barkley, executive assistant to the CSU Faculty Council, wrote this article for SOURCE on key reports and discussion items at the April 2 Faculty Council meeting. It is published here on behalf of the Faculty Council Executive Leadership. Details of the reports and presentations referenced below are available in the meeting minutes on the Faculty Council website once they are approved at the May meeting.  

Faculty Council met via Microsoft Teams on April 2 and heard a budget update from Vice President for University Operations and Chief Financial Officer Brendan Hanlon, and had a discussion with Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Susan James around changes in faculty annual review ratings and department codes.   

Budget update

 Hanlon gave a brief update on the fiscal year 2024-25 budget outlook for Faculty Council members. He stated that although Colorado’s Long Bill is not yet complete, there are indications that the state legislature will be looking at an approximately 9% increase in funding for higher education. Hanlon told members that CSU leadership will continue to monitor the state situation. He also explained that unit reduction proposals for the budget exercise are continuing to be reviewed. Hanlon indicated that as leadership is looking through these proposals, they are trying to select the least impactful proposals relative to CSU’s mission and people. Hanlon also reported that additional communications will be coming from the Office of the President and that additional budget open forums will be scheduled.

Questions from Faculty Council members included whether there were any updates on the Clark renovation and the new Veterinary Teaching Hospital project, as well as questions around the 1% salary increase. Hanlon stated that CSU is on the right track with Clark, and a $50 million contribution from the state is expected for the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, which would reduce the amount CSU will need to bond for FY25. Hanlon stated that the plan is to stay the course with the 1% salary increase. Other questions included whether there was data available on the level of inflation versus the level of salary increases, which Hanlon agreed to follow up on.

Changes to faculty annual review

James started a discussion with Faculty Council about faculty annual review and department codes. James reported that the Council of Chairs and Heads consulted experts around the university in an effort to rethink the way annual reviews and ratings are handled. Chairs, heads and unit directors were surveyed, including special academic units, in the summer of 2020. James walked members through some of the feedback, which included expanding an electronic process and having these items come through Interfolio. She also walked members through the current annual review ratings, as well as the new ones that are being suggested.

James provided members with the slide deck for members to reference ahead of continuing this discussion at the May Faculty Council meeting.

Section F Manual revisions

 The Committee on Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty brought forward two motions regarding revisions to Section F of the Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual. These revisions centered around more clarity of the use of administrative leave and provide more information on what the rights of faculty are during the process, as well as timelines. The committee worked closely with the Office of General Counsel on the revisions. Faculty Council members approved the revisions, which will now be sent to the Board of Governors for review at its May meeting.

Other highlights

  • Faculty Council members approved a new undergraduate degree program for a major in arts management.
  • Faculty Council approved revisions to Section C.2.3.1 of the Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual. The revision includes a department name change for the Department of Ethnic Studies to Race, Gender, and Ethnic Studies. This revision was approved by the Office of General Counsel and will be reviewed by the Board of Governors at its May meeting.
  • ASCSU Director of Academic Affairs Theo Reese gave an update on the syllabus bank project. Reese stated that ASCSU did research on the concerns expressed during his initial Faculty Council presentation of this project to help address concerns raised at the time, and an official campus project request form has been submitted to the Division of Information Technology.

The next Faculty Council meeting will be on Tuesday, May 7, in a hybrid format, 4-6 p.m. A location is being determined, and Faculty Council members will be notified prior to the meeting. For the schedule of Faculty Council meetings, approved minutes and agendas, lists of members of the Council and its committees and other information, visit the Faculty Council website.