Washington County: Levi Kipp – Statistics

Levi Kipp

All64: Every corner of Colorado. CSU connects with every county.

Levi Kipp headshot

A big thanks goes to my instructors. Collectively, they have shaped me into the student I am, and I’m grateful for that.”

During the 2022-23 academic year, we are highlighting one Colorado State University student or alum from each of Colorado’s 64 counties. The Centennial State’s land grant university has a connection to the diverse lands and people from the counties of Moffat to Baca, Montezuma to Sedgwick and everywhere in between.

Levi Kipp

Major: Statistics

Why I chose CSU: I knew I wanted to attend college in Colorado, and the strong statistics and data science coursework at CSU was appealing to me. I also knew I’d be able to find a place to fit in here in Fort Collins.

My favorite thing about CSU:I can get everywhere I need to be by walking around, biking, or taking the bus.

Clubs/organizations in college: Stat Alliance, Geography Club

Scholarships/awards in college: Green and Gold Scholarship, Statistics Undergraduate Excellence in Tutoring Award, College of Natural Sciences Dean’s List

Favorite achievement: It was heartwarming to be named the recipient of the Statistics department’s Undergraduate Excellence in Tutoring Award last spring. I work with students in the Statistics Success Center; being able to help a fellow student grasp a challenging concept is rewarding.

Career goals: I hope to go into the public sector and use my knowledge to make the world a better place. Where, when, or how? I don’t know, so I’ll have to wait and see where life takes me.

Favorite instructors: John Lindenbaum in the Geography department is my favorite CSU instructor. He makes learning feel easy! As for my favorite class, I’d have to say STAT 420: Probability. What are the odds of that??

I’d like to thank: A big thanks goes to my instructors. Collectively, they have shaped me into the student I am, and I’m grateful for that. I’d also like to thank my advisors for helping me navigate those initial steps during my time at CSU, and my classmates for supplying a friendly environment and some healthy competition.

Quirky fact: I once volunteered to be the first in line in my group to rappel down a rock face. (Yes, it was scary. Yes, I survived.)

What should people know about Washington County: We have about 14 cows for every 1 person.

What you tell people from your home county about CSU: There are a lot more fields of study and research programs than you probably think! Come up here and visit sometime.

Favorite NOCO food and hangouts: Alleycat Coffee House, Lory Student Center

Biggest adversity you’ve overcome at CSU: There were many challenges associated with learning during the pandemic. However, I’m glad many of my peers and instructors had a “let’s pull through this together” mentality during the tough times.

CSU’s All64 Project

Read about more students or alums in Colorado connected to all 64 counties. Explore all the questions and answers from every corner of the Centennial State.