University statement regarding ASCSU Senator

October 30, 2019

CSU leadership is aware that an ASCSU Senator chose to attend the ASCSU meeting on October 30 in a costume and wearing blackface, with the stated intent of caricaturing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who was recently widely condemned for past blackface and brownface appearances.

The student leadership of the ASCSU acted swiftly and according to their governing rules: they condemned the student’s action, then voted to require him to leave the meeting immediately. We are proud of our students for their handling of an extremely difficult situation.

As an institution and a community, we abhor racism and bias and we unequivocally condemn blackface. This is especially true at this crucial time as our institution tries to heal amid recent bias and racist incidents that have caused great pain and emotional distress for many in our community. Acts of bias and racism, whether committed in ignorance or with malice, are harmful, degrading, and have long-lasting impacts. We must continue to call out and condemn such acts. We remain steadfast in our commitment to addressing hate, bias and racism.

CSU has just launched a Race, Bias and Equity Initiative to help us move forward, to educate and to heal. Learn more about this Initiative here, and submit your own ideas for positive and proactive change here.