Teams Voice to replace SipX telephone service on July 1

Since 2019, the Division of Information Technology, along with college departmental IT units, have been working diligently across Fort Collins to replace SipX, CSU’s telephone service. Starting July 1, SipX will no longer be supported by the Division of IT due to security vulnerabilities and degrading technology.

Teams Voice offers an array of similar features to SipX, leverages CSU’s existing Microsoft contract, and provides a higher level of security. More than 6,000 user and shared lines are now on Teams Voice. New features include:

• Configurable call settings: Delegate another person to make and receive calls on your behalf. You can even assign permissions allowing them to manage your call settings.

• Anytime, anywhere access: Teams is in the cloud. This means you have access to your CSU phone number from anywhere, at any time, and from any device.

• Voicemail delivery: Never miss important voicemail messages with simultaneous delivery to the Teams application and Outlook email, including both the audio file and the transcription.

If you have not yet migrated to Teams Voice or no longer need your phone line, contact your IT department. For help or questions regarding Teams Voice, visit the Teams Voice web page.