Take an office ergonomics class and get entered to win an ergonomic keyboard

Human figure at deskDo you have pain and discomfort in your day-to-day work?

One common culprit is poor office ergonomics, but the Office of Risk Management and Insurance can help with a free office ergonomics class.

The course covers how to set up your workstation and which equipment to use to reduce pain, discomfort and injuries.

There will also be a raffle at the end of the class in which participants could win an ergonomic keyboard.

Class details

When: Oct. 11, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Where: Lory Student Center, Room 310
To Sign Up: Visit http://www.ehs.colostate.edu/WTrainReg/ClassSignUp.aspx. Scroll down to “Risk Management Ergonomics Program.” Under “Instructor-led training” select “Office Ergonomics Training (Matching Funds Eligible).”

Questions can be sent to frank.gonzales@colostate.edu.