State Classified Leave Sharing Program needs donated hours

The State Classified Leave Sharing Program is in urgent need of donated hours. Each year approximately 20 state classified colleagues are in need of assistance from the program, which provides a bank of leave for employees to use during catastrophic or emergency situations, or for certain community service activities. Annually, the bank needs 2,620 donated hours to approve the applications. a hand placing a small clock into a piggy bank

“A little goes a long way,” said Megan Skeehan, chair of the Classified Personnel Council. “This is an opportunity for state classified employees to help each other by donating excess annual leave – with a four-hour minimum — they might otherwise forfeit due to the annual leave accrual maximums at fiscal year-end on June 30.”

Those who donate will be entered automatically into a raffle for CSU giveaways sponsored by the Classified Personnel Council. To donate, fill out the donation form and turn it into your departmental human resources liaison by Friday, July 12.

Direct donations, which allow a state classified employee to donate directly to another state classified employee, are accepted at any time during the year for an employee whose application has been approved.

What is the Leave Sharing Program?

In the spring of 1990, the leave sharing program was established by permissibility of state statute, university approval and the support of the Classified Personnel Council. The leave bank provides income protection to eligible state classified employees who need to be absent from work, but have inadequate paid-time off accumulated for qualifying reasons. State classified employees apply by filling out an application.

State classified employees who apply for program benefits must meet criteria for the hours they are requesting based upon eligible scenarios.

  • Serious medical hardship or catastrophic illness or injury
  • Eligible immediate family member’s incapacity
  • A catastrophic event or emergency affecting the person’s residence
  • An employee serving as a first responder
  • An employee on active military service with an initial call to duty financial hardship

Only state classified employees may donate or receive leave through the program.

Learn more about the Leave Sharing Program, how to apply or donate your annual leave hours, and the university’s Leave Sharing Program Policy.