Smart tips for National Snack Food Month

Assorted canopes, appetizer crackers with toppingsFebruary is National Snack Food Month, and this month is also the time for various awards shows. Whether you are cheering on your favorite team or your favorite actor, snack on foods that are tasty, filling and nutritious.

Here are some quick tips to manage your snacking habits:

  • Keep portion control in mind. Have a single-serve container of yogurt or put a small serving of nuts in a bowl. Eating directly from a multiple-serving packages can lead to overeating.
  • Plan snacks ahead of time. Keep a variety of nutritious ready-to-eat supplies on hand, such as whole-grain crackers and low-fat cheese.
  • Snack only when you are hungry. Think of snacks as mini-meals that contribute nutrient rich foods. Skip the urge to nibble mindlessly during commercials.

Visit the Kendall Anderson Nutrition Center webpage to learn more about resources for weight loss and nutrition, including the spring Healthy You: Weight Management & Mindful Eating program – also available as a self-paced program, in addition to the interactive series of classes.

For more healthy recipes and exercise and nutrition tips, see the CSU College of Health and Human Sciences’ Pinterest board.