Scenes from Snowpocalypse 2021

photos by CSU staff published March 16, 2021

The snowstorm of March 13-14, 2021, was one for the books. Fort Collins officially received 19.6 inches of snow, and 2.31 inches of much-needed precipitation during the storm, according to the Colorado Climate Center. For comparison, the 10-year average snow total for the entire month of March is 4.9 inches.

Colorado State University suspended all weekend operations and was closed on Monday, March 15, as residents dug out and Facilities Management crews worked nearly around the clock to clear sidewalks, parking lots and roads on campuses, along with addressing power outages at some buildings and fallen tree limbs.

Here at SOURCE, we traditionally post a collection of photos from around campus to document severe weather events and CSU’s response to it. But travel during the storm was impossible, not to mention dangerous, so instead of sending photographers to campus, we’re presenting a roundup of local images from CSU employees, many of whom have been working from home during the last year anyway.

Enjoy this Tour de Flakes from Windsor to Wellington, and stay safe, Ramily.

Cars snowed in

Streets throughout Northern Colorado, like this one in southwest Fort Collins, quickly became dangerously snowpacked during the March 13-14, 2021, storm.
Photo by Mary Guiden

Patio furniture in snow March 14, 2021

Snowfall varied across the region, with Windsor receiving “only” about a foot by Sunday, March 14.
Photo by Jennifer Dimas

Jenna Allen standing in snow

In northwest Fort Collins, snow accumulation averaged about knee high. Jenna Allen added for scale.
Photo courtesy of Jenna Allen

Broken tree in snow March 14, 2021

The heavy wet snow took its toll on trees throughout the city and on campus, with broken branches landing in yards, on roofs, and even unfortunate vehicles.
Photo by Gretchen Gerding

Erik Wilmsen shoveling snow March 14, 2021

Homeowners like Erik Wilmsen got a jump on shoveling on Sunday while snow was still falling near Wellington.
Photo by Emily Wilmsen

Snowed-in weather station March 14, 2021

Real-time measurements of storm conditions were delayed after snow coated this backyard weather station near Laporte on Sunday.
Photo by Kate Jeracki

Man with snow blower, March 14, 2021

By Sunday, most snow removal jobs were already more than mere shovels could handle. Andy Chaulk cleared his in-laws’ driveway in west Fort Collins with his snowblower.
Photo by Anna Gerber

Person in snow, March 14, 2021

Business major Isabel Mayross had to take a break from snow removal in southwest Fort Collins on Sunday.
Photo by Maggie Walsh

Jack Novak in igloo

With schools, including CSU, closed on Monday, March 15, Jack Novak put the snow in his south Fort Collins backyard to good use by building a snow cave in his very own mountain.
Photo by Rob Novak

Snowed-in backyard with shed, March 15, 2021

Blue sky returned on Monday, revealing the beauty of the snow covering midtown Fort Collins.
Photo by John Eisele