Social work graduate Kayin President reflects on CSU experience

Kayin President became interested in social work because of his uncle. After shadowing his uncle at work, President decided to pursue a degree in social work from Colorado State University. He was inspired by the kind of work his uncle did and how it affected people’s lives.

President chose CSU because he had visited the campus before in high school, and each time he felt that the campus community was welcoming and approachable. President answered questions about his experience before he graduated in December.

Q. What was it like earning a degree from the School of Social Work, and how did your classes and professors help you prepare for internships and graduation?

A. The School of Social Work at CSU is really amazing and definitely gave me the tools and skills I needed to succeed in my internship at the Jacob Center. Many professors along my undergraduate journey have shared life experiences from the field that really shaped the way I engage with clients. I see the department as an extended family because they have been nothing but supportive in my learning experience as well as personal life.

Q. Can you tell us a little bit more about your internship at the Jacob Center? What kind of work do you do?

A. My internship is at the Remington House, which is one of many services the Jacob Center provides. Remington House is a Residential Treatment Center for youth experiencing some form of trauma or drug abuse. My main role is to provide therapeutic support through daily interactions with the youth and their families. At times I will help facilitate groups on social skills and social justice. I do whatever is needed of me when I walk through the door that day.

Q. What have you learned in your internship?

A. I have learned that helping youth begins with just being genuine with them, and a conversation can go a long way in building rapport.

Q. What are your plans after graduation?

A. After graduating in the fall, I will work at the Jacob Center and apply to graduate school. I want to get a master’s degree in social work.

Q. What would you tell prospective students who are considering coming to Colorado State University and the School of Social Work?

A. I would encourage all prospective CSU students who want to pursue a bachelor’s in social work to come ready to learn and engage in conversations that will expand their personal view of the world.

Q. What will you miss about CSU?

A. Definitely going to watch the football games.