Powerhouse Trio brings evening of Beethoven to northern Colorado

The Classical Convergence Series at Colorado State University continues with a concert collaboration featuring The Lysander Piano Trio – composed of Itamar Zorman, violin; Liza Stepanova, piano; and Michael Katz, cello – with special guest Mischa Bouvier, baritone. The acclaimed artists perform on Wednesday, Oct. 28, at 7:30 p.m. in the Organ Recital Hall at the University Center for the Arts, located at 1400 Remington St.

Tickets are $22/public and $10/student and can be purchased at tickets.lctix.com or (970) 221-6730.

photo of trio
The Lysander Piano Trio

The Lysander Piano Trio has been praised for its “incredible ensemble, passionate playing, articulate and imaginative ideas, and wide palette of colors.” These qualities have made it stand out in numerous competitions over the years where they’ve received very high honors.

Bouvier is known for his powerful voice, which has won him praise as a “soothing, cavernous baritone that can soar to heights of lyric beauty.”

The captivating and dynamic concert will highlight various traditional pieces by Beethoven, beginning with Folksong Arrangements for Voice and Piano and moving into Piano Trio C minor, Op. 1, No. 3 before the first intermission. Resuming with An die ferne Geliebte, Op. 98, the concert will conclude with Piano Trio in D Major, Op. 70, No. 1, “Ghost.”

About The Lysander Piano Trio

Deriving its name from Shakespeare’s character in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Lysander Piano Trio has been taking stages across the country by storm with its “informed, [and] energized musical personality.”

Just two months after its founding in 2009, the Juilliard School graduate students were selected to represent Juilliard in a special concert in Mexico City on the occasion of school President Joseph Polisi’s visit to Mexico.

Since that time, the ensemble has been named the winner of the 2012 Concert Artists Guild Victor Elmaleh Competition. In addition, the trio has received top honors at the 2010 Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition, the 2011 Coleman Chamber Ensemble Competition (Grand Prize), and the 2011 J. C. Arriaga Chamber Music Competition (First Prize).

The ensemble is performing across North America, collaborating with Mischa Bouvier, with Fort Collins as its next stop on the country-wide tour.

About Mischa Bouvier, baritone

photo of Bouvier
Mischa Bouvier

Alabama-born baritone Mischa Bouvier continues to affect audiences with his keen musicality and remarkable communicative ability. Beginning his career in 2009, he has been praised for his “powerful bass voice, [and] its dark colors [that] strongly project throughout the entire range, which he uses with intelligence and commitment.” (Pittsburg Tribune)

In recent years, Bouvier has returned to the Alabama Symphony and the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra for Handel’s Messiah; Handel’s Acis and Galatea (debut as Polyphemus) with the American Bach Soloists; the role of Lucifer in Handel’s La resurrezione with the Helicon Ensemble and Bach Collegium San Diego; and a debut with Cut Circle at Musica Sacra Maastricht, Netherlands. Mischa has appeared with Orchestra of St. Luke’s, Sting, Musica Sacra, Boston Symphony Orchestra and Five Boroughs Music Festival, just to name a few.

Now accompanying The Lysander Trio, Bouvier is sure to bring his “immensely sympathetic, soulful voice.”

The Lysander Piano Trio and Classical Convergence

The Lysander Piano Trio will be performing as part of the Classical Convergence series. Building on the classical concert programs of the School of Music, Theatre and Dance and the Fort Collins Lincoln Center, the co-produced season features seven world-class performers and ensembles, performing at both the University Center for the Arts and the Lincoln Center.

The Lysander Trio has collaborated with all levels of musical education and brings its interactive insight to CSU and PSD students on Oct. 29 for three separate master classes being held at from 9 to 11 a.m. at the University Center for the Arts.

“This series is a wonderful opportunity to introduce world-class musicians to northern Colorado audiences and, at the same time, further our students’ education through master classes like those being offered by Lysander,” said Mike Solo, publicity and marketing manager for the UCA.

For a full performance and event calendar, more information, and to sign up for a free event e-newsletter, visit UCA.Colostate.edu.

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