Paula Coleman named Everyday Hero

Paula Coleman, an administrative assistant in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, has been named an Everyday Hero.

Paula-ColemanPamela Cox, who works in the same department and nominated Coleman, says that although Coleman wears a large number of different hats in the department, often at the same time, she always has a smile on her face. Cox adds that Coleman provides invaluable information to everyone in the department, including incoming and current graduate students. She says Coleman has a very welcoming approach in her dealings with others and students love interacting with her as she guides them through their time at CSU.

“Paula is essential to the operation of our department,” Cox says.

Coleman, a state classified employee, says she was very surprised and delighted to be nominated for the award and appreciates being recognized. She attended CSU in 1971, and worked in the admissions office as a typist from 1976 to 1979. Then she served as a secretary in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition from 1979 until 1986, when she left CSU to raise a family and work for her husband’s construction business. Coleman came back to CSU in 2006 to work as an Administrative Assistant III for the department. Coleman says she enjoys her job working with graduate students and helping them through the many challenges as they go through school. She also loves the variety of students she meets and learning about their interests. Coleman adds that she enjoys the diversity of her program and working for the University.

Coleman loves spending time with her grandchildren, who all live in northern Colorado. She also enjoys reading, crafting, spending time outdoors on a variety of activities and attending church. Coleman plans on staying with the department and CSU until she retires, then she plans to travel and spend even more time with her grandchildren.

The Classified Personnel Council congratulates Coleman for winning the Everyday Hero Award.