Move In Day 2: Another round of students settling in

The annual hustle and bustle of move-in officially has begun.

About 6,000 students have been settling in to their new homes at Colorado State University residence halls since move-in began yesterday with about 2,000 students arriving another 4,000 students today. Students and their families were greeted by hundreds of volunteers from their extended Ram Family – students, faculty and staff – ready to lend a hand.

CSU ready to greet nearly 8,000 on-campus residents: This year, Colorado State University is prepared for 6,000 students to move in to the on-campus residence halls over two days: about 2,000 on Wednesday, Aug. 16, and another 4,000 on Thursday, Aug. 17. Add in the 2,000 who live in on-campus apartments and the size of the logistical challenge facing Housing & Dining Services becomes clear.

Photos by John Eisele, CSU Photography

Thursday, Aug. 17 Move-in at the Residence Halls

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Wednesday, Aug. 16, Move-in at the Residence Halls

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