Learn tools for effective goal-setting for students

growthmindsetStudent leaders, mentors and teaching assistants are invited to participate in a unique opportunity to learn simple, tangible ways to incorporate research-based growth mindset interventions into your communication with students in and beyond the classroom.

The Power of Beliefs and Effective Goal-Setting for Students takes place Tuesday, Sept.13, 7-8:15 p.m. in the Lory Student Center. Presented by Omid Fotuhi from the Stanford University Intervention Project and the College Transition Collaborative, this session will review the science and practice of effective goal-setting.

Effective goal-setting helps you:

  1. believe you can achieve your goals;
  2. recognize the importance of goal-setting;
  3. learn about proven strategies to set clear and effective goals;
  4. anticipate some common psychological obstacles; and
  5. help yourself and the students you mentor or teach deal with those anxieties and uncertainties.

Designed for student leaders, mentors, and teaching assistants, this training is brought to you by CSU Health Network’s Resiliency and Well-Being Initiatives Strategic Planning Team.

This opportunity is free to attend, but registration is required, as space is limited. To register, visit the Health Network website.

Growth mindset

This session is part of a unique campus-wide training to help promote persistence and success at CSU. 

Mindset is a frame through which we view our successes, mistakes, fears and triumphs, and it plays a key role in an individual’s capacity to learn and change. Strengthening growth and belonging mindsets can help students overcome challenges in learning new skills and in developing a sense of community.

Learn more about growth mindset interventions here.