Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center: New name, same mission

The Kendall Anderson Nutrition Center at Colorado State University has changed its name to the Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center to recognize longtime donor Danette Anderson (’87) and her recent name change to Danette Reagan.

KRNC FB temp logo“The Nutrition Center @ CSU was born in January 2008 as an outreach arm of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition,” according to KRNC Director Melissa Wdowik. “Three years later, it became the Kendall Anderson Nutrition Center, thanks to generous gifts from Pat and Larry Kendall as well as Danette Anderson. Now, effective July 1, we are pleased to change our name to the Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center, with congratulations to Danette on her marriage, and with much thanks to her and her new husband, Monty Reagan, and the Kendalls for their continued support.”

Organic raspberries grown at the Colorado State University Horticulture Research Center

The Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center serves a three-fold mission: to provide service-learning opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in FSHN; to improve the health of the community through nutrition education and outreach; and to collaborate with its CSU colleagues in conducting cutting-edge research.

The KRNC will be expanding its operation into the new CSU Health and Medical Center at the corner of College Avenue and Prospect Road in Fall 2017, thanks in part to a generous gift from the Kendalls that will allow the KRNC to increase nutrition counseling services to the entire community. The center will continue to use its current space in the Gifford Building and the Gifford Kitchen Laboratory.

Green vegetables on wooden background

KRNC provides science-based nutrition information translated into practical tips, realistic guidelines, individualized meal plans and personalized diet, lifestyle and wellness coaching. The center offers cooking classes in its professional kitchen to make cooking fun, healthful and affordable with creative recipes for medical conditions (including diabetes, post-bariatric surgery and food allergies) as well as customized cooking classes for support groups, staff meetings, book clubs and birthday parties.

All of the programs are open to the public. KRNC accepts physician referrals from medical groups in addition to referrals from personal trainers, school nurses, athletic teams, stress management counselors and health clubs throughout northern Colorado. Individual appointments with a registered dietitian include body composition and dietary assessment as well as optional resting metabolic rate measurement.

Faculty and staff receive a 40 percent discount on KRNC programs through CSU’s Commitment to Campus.

Sign up to receive their free monthly email newsletter, and connect with the center on Facebook. For more information, visit

The Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center is in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, part of CSU’s College of Health and Human Sciences.