Information Systems rolling out new business intelligence reporting tool

Story by John Walker, Information Systems

WebFOCUS from Information Builders has been selected as a centrally supported business intelligence and analytics reporting platform for Colorado State University.

CSU’s Information Systems unit is working with Information Builders to create the university’s first central reporting platform, to be rolled out to campus over the next few months.

WebFOCUS is a powerful report creation platform with the capability to produce simple text-based reports, advanced visualizations, and dashboards with charts and graphs. These reports can be highly interactive, allowing users to drill down or up, selecting the level of detailed information preferred.

A cloud-based software, WebFOCUS will be made available to campus using a web browser of choice. Information Builders has been serving the higher education community for over 25 years and is in use today throughout the western region and country in both higher education and private industry.

Working with CVMBS

Information Systems is partnering with the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences to define and create core accounting reports that colleges and administrative units are currently running within the eThority system. Information Systems representatives will be reaching out to other areas to assist with the conversion of reports to the Web Focus platform.

Information Systems is in the process of establishing a group of power users who will receive formal classroom training from Information Builders. These power users will represent each of the colleges and administrative units. They will be tasked with supporting others in their departments/units and organizing training through on-campus resources, which will be required to have access to the reporting tool. CSU’s Technology Training Center will offer classes to the campus community, beginning in late April.