Gov. Hickenlooper visits CSU’s fermentation science facilities

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Photos by CSU photographer Bill Cotton

Gov. John Hickenlooper toured CSU’s Fermentation Science and Technology facilities on Oct. 22.

Hickenlooper, who co-founded the Wynkoop Brewing Co. in Denver in 1988, was in Fort Collins to participate in the FoCo Book Fest. He and members of his Cabinet hosted a Town Hall and Governmental Expo the day before in the Lory Student Center.

Jeff Callaway, associate director of CSU’s Fermentation Science and Technology Program, showed Hickenlooper around the brewing facility being added to the Ramskeller at the LSC, as well as the New Belgium Fermentation Science and Technology Lab in the Gifford Building.

They were joined by two students in the FST program, James Macdonald and Lauren Sandell, as well as College of Health and Human Sciences Dean Jeff McCubbin and Mike Pagliassotti, head of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition.

After the tour, Hickenlooper attended a FoCo Book Fest reception and signing event for his book The Opposite of Woe: My Life in Beer and Politics at the Bas Bleu Theatre. The theme of the Fest was “Brewin’ Up Books.”