Giving Tuesday Now: Worldwide effort, campus impact

Giving Tuesday Now logoAs the days and weeks blend together in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing remains abundantly clear: Colorado State University is an illuminating presence in an otherwise dark time.

Whether it’s the research being done to find an effective vaccine or the care shown to those struggling to pay their bills, the CSU Ramily continues to have a positive impact on the world. Rams Against Hunger for example, recently provided fresh food to more than 800 students, faculty and staff, while Ram Aid is providing emergency funds to students in need.

And the best part is that you can help maintain that positive momentum on Giving Tuesday Now when the world pauses to support impactful programs.

“Even in a time of so many unknowns, Rams everywhere have stepped up and asked how they can help our CSU community,” said Emma Lang, a digital marketing strategist in CSU’s Division of University Advancement. “Giving Tuesday Now is a great opportunity for people who love CSU and are able to give back to help provide relief, support research and invaluable knowledge, or help plan for the future.”

Global event is Tuesday, May 5

Giving Tuesday Now is set for May 5, and donors can support various programs that provide relief for the hungry, financial support for those in need, educational support for students and much-needed funding for critical research being done on campus.

CSU’s Giving Tuesday Now is called “Together, we will.” You can support a variety of funds, including those that support the campus community (CSU Cares, Rams Against Hunger, Ram Aid), research (Ventilator Development/Testing, Center for Infectious Disease Research Center,  Center for Healthy Aging) and other campus programs.