Financial assistance for ergonomic equipment available with matching funds

Ergonomics flyerOffice ergonomics equipment can reduce or eliminate exposure to ergonomic injury risk factors. For Colorado State University departments that need financial assistance with the purchase of such equipment, the CSU Risk Management and Insurance department may be able to provide up to 50% of the costs (up to a $500 match) for the purchase of ergonomic equipment if all necessary criteria are met and the submitted application is approved.

The Office of Risk Management & Insurance began accepting new applications July 1.

A limited number of applications can be funded each fiscal year, and applications are reviewed and approved on a first-come, first-served basis. To be eligible, the employee and department must meet certain criteria, including completion of these steps by the employee:

• Online training:
• Ergonomic evaluation:
• Matching funds application:

Visit the ergonomics matching funds website for more details, to ensure eligibility, review program details, requirements and procedures, access the employee matching funds dashboard, and submit an electronic application.
Ergonomics assistance available

Ergonomics assistance available

Even if a department does not need matching funds assistance, making changes to your office/computer workstation environment to ensure you are working in “neutral postures” is highly recommended. When setting up your computer workstation, use the basic guidelines found on the CSU ergonomics website.

If you cannot set up your workstation properly on your own (after attending training and/or using the workstation setup guide from the link above), consider an evaluation from a specialist. Evaluations can be done in person, or remotely via MS Teams whether for the traditional office on campus or for a teleworker working from a home office.

Completion of online training, which walks you through workstation setup, is also highly recommended for any employee who works on a computer. Online training is available for both the traditional office and for the teleworker working from a home office. Completing either training session will fulfill the matching funds training requirement.