Everyday Hero: Andres Hernandez

everyday hero
Andres Hernandez

Andres Hernandez has worked as a custodian at CSU for 8 years. He has been working in the Chemistry building for 3 months. Andres has lived in Fort Collins for more than 35 years and knows how important the university is the local community; this is what brought him to CSU.

Andres deserves this award because, according to Luke Spoonts, “Last week, one of Andres’ coworkers had an injury incident while working at night. Andres’ was working in the same vicinity and heard the call for help. The coworker actually had cut open his femoral artery. Without Andres’ quick thinkingm it would have very likely been much more severe. Andres called for help, and found a roll of tape nearby, which he used to limit the bleeding. It was a scary situation, but Andres reacted quickly in the best interest of his coworker, potentially saving his life. We are often challenged with difficult situations, but not often so quick to help.”

In his free time, Andres loves to take his grandkids to City Park and spend time with his family. He is also busy fixing up his house.

Andres thought it was GREAT to have been nominated and received this award. He plans to work here till he retires.