Employee Appreciation Board honors Accounts Receivable, Banking Services

The CSU Employee Appreciation Board recognized the Accounts Receivable and Banking Services units in Business & Financial Services on Oct. 2 with a catered lunch from Spoons and raffle of CSU swag.

Back row, left to right: Suzanne Zimmerer, Catherine Murphy, Becky Everett, Val Parker, Colleen Renner and Zach Campain. Front row, left to right: Nilia Walter, Mariah Thomas, Janet Fox, Celeste Ulland, Angie Offord and Kim Chacon.

Accounts Receivable is responsible for billing students and Banking Services is responsible for collecting payments. The staff from these units wanted to get involved with the RAM Welcome Street Fair as a way to connect with students and address any issues ahead of the major payment due date for the fall semester. 

It was a group effort as these two units went above and beyond to prepare for the event.

“As we don’t normally partake in orientation events, our office was not prepared to host a table, so the staff members made banners and loaned personal items (table cloth, chairs and other materials) to use at the event,” wrote nominator Suzanne Zimmerer, manager of Accounts Receivable/Banking Services. “They came up with slogans so we could purchase candy to hand out that would be relevant to what our offices do. We had Smarties, since we want our students to be smarties with their finances and paying their bill, and we had Life Savers since our offices can be lifesavers if students get into a bind regarding their bill and are willing to communicate with our offices.”

The group is planning on participating in the fair again next year with hopes of making it an even better event. 

About the CSUEAB

The CSU Employee Appreciation Board, originally formed in 1968, recognizes employees for their hard work and promotes community spirit among CSU faculty and staff through events such as breakfasts and luncheons. Each month, the Board hosts a prize drawing for all faculty and staff who submit an entry form, including a coveted reserved parking space for a full month.

The board meets monthly during the academic year to discuss and plan employee recognition events, as well as to help promote university events. One of the main objectives of the board is the monthly recognition of a group, entity or college.

To nominate a department of office, visit the EAB website to submit a nomination form for a department or office.