EAB recognizes School of Music, Theatre, and Dance production staff

SMTD production staff
In the back row from left are Ernan Torrez, Chloie Piveral, Jennifer Clary, Peter Muller, Johnie Rankin, Karl Hermanson, Elise Kulovany and Chris Carignan. In the middle row are Gretchin Wheeler, Melissa Centgraf, Nicole Darling, Wes Halloran, Valerie Reed and Steven Workman. In the front row are Lillian Nugent, Heather Bellotti, Stephanie Nguyen and Rebecca Evans. Not pictured are Matt Grevan, Mike Solo and Jim Doser.

The Colorado State University Employee Appreciation Board is highlighting the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance production staff for excelling at their jobs and helping make a difference for CSU employees, students and the community.

The School of Music, Theatre, and Dance production staff work tirelessly every day to bring the artistic vision of the SMTD students to life. The SMTD staff is responsible for producing three plays, one musical, two operas, four dance concerts, the Halloween Organ Extravaganza and many other events every year.

Each staff member has expertise in different areas, including scenery, painting, lighting, costumes, props and sound. The staff is a crucial part of the education of the Music, Theatre, and Dance students in bringing to reality their creative dreams.

The last production the staff created was for the theatre department’s musical “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” by Rachel Sheinkin and William Finn. This was a fully student-designed production, as most theatre productions are, and the staff works one on one with each design student to work through budgeting, construction and implementation of their designs.

All the staff are skilled artisans who have come to CSU to share their passion for the performing arts with the next generation of innovators. These staff members truly are the backbone of SMTD, and the Employee Appreciation Board is thrilled to recognize them for all they do for the SMTD students, CSU and the community at large.

The CSU Employee Appreciation Board celebrated the production staff for their amazing work with a pizza lunch and EAB swag. Learn more about the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance news and events at smtd.colostate.edu.

The EAB recognizes groups that are providing great service to the CSU community and more. Nominate a campus unit at csueab.colostate.edu.