Duo prompt for authentication changing Feb. 20

On Feb. 20, the CSU community will see some changes to the Duo prompt, making the authentication and sign-in process more secure and streamlined.

What is changing?

In the current process, you must select “send me a push” to log into systems after signing in with your NetID and password. In the new process, you will no longer need to choose to push. The system will automatically do that for you based on your settings.

Why is it changing?

This upgrade not only provides customers with a safer, more secure authentication flow, but also a more seamless, frictionless experience.

When is it changing?

The change will take place on Feb. 20. No action is needed; this is simply a note to let our community know about the change.

The Division of IT hopes this change will make the experience with Duo more enjoyable and provide a faster process. To learn more, visit the Duo website. For questions, reach out to your local helpdesk or email help@colostate.edu.