Delta County: Lee Bradley – Vocational Agriculture

Lee Bradley (and his dog)

All64: Every corner of Colorado. CSU connects with every county.

Lee Bradley headshot

“I had a great time. It did make me a different person. I’ve got both of my diplomas and my son’s diploma hanging right above the bar in the tasting room.”

During the 2022-23 academic year, we are highlighting one Colorado State University student or alum from each of Colorado’s 64 counties. The Centennial State’s land grant university has a connection to the diverse lands and people from the counties of Moffat to Baca, Montezuma to Sedgwick and everywhere in between.

Lee Bradley 

Major: Vocational Agriculture (1976 graduate); Master’s of Agricultural Business (1989 graduate)

Why I chose CSU: My friends were going there … it’s an ag school and that was my direction.

Favorite thing about CSU: It was a real diverse population, that’s for sure. That was a fun thing.

Clubs/organizations in college: Alpha Tau Alpha, the ag teachers fraternity

Favorite achievement: The diploma was probably my most favorite thing.

Career goals: I wanted to be a vo-ag teacher. I did that for 10 years. I wanted to be in fruit production and I saw an opportunity and I jumped on it and it led to cool places. Editor’s Note: Bradley is now the owner of Black Bridge Winery/Orchard Valley Farm in Delta County.

Quirky fact(s): I’m one of the few people that make wine and I raise the grapes and I raise peaches (he grew up in the Palisade area).

Favorite instructor(s)/class: Jack Avens. It was avian science. He looked like a chicken and he talked like a chicken and he was the most motivating guy ever. My son had the same professor in 2007-08.

Favorite NOCO food and hangouts: Whatever (3.2 percent alcohol beer) bar was closest to campus.

Favorite CSU tradition: We liked to go the football games.

What do you tell people from Delta County about CSU: I had a great time. It did make me a different person. I’ve got both of my diplomas and my son’s diploma hanging right above the bar in the tasting room.

Something people should know about Delta County: We don’t have a lot of development here, but we’re close to counties where people have lots and lots of money. We have good schools. It’s a gorgeous place to live.

Biggest adversity you overcame at CSU: It might have been chemistry.

Role/influence of CSU Extension in Delta County: We have good vo-ag programs in Delta County.

CSU’s All64 Project

Read about more students or alums in Colorado connected to all 64 counties. Explore all the questions and answers from every corner of the Centennial State.