CPC Educational Assistance Award applications open

By Anselma Lopez

The Classified Personnel Council is now accepting applications for the Educational Assistance Award.

The award is intended to assist State Classified employees at Colorado State University seeking to move ahead in their jobs and careers. Employees may use this award to meet any needs associated with furthering their education, for example workshops, certificates, tuition, books, child care expenses, gas for traveling to class. Up to five awards are given each semester.

In the fall of 2019, three awards were made, to Nancy Cowley, Janet Porter and Kristy Millsapps.

Cowley works in the Lory Student Center. With the help of the Educational Assistance Award, she is now able to take courses online and continue to move forward in her pursuit of her Human Development and Family Studies degree.

Porter works in the Admissions Office. She has been interested in the Feminist Frameworks program and with it obtaining a CSU mastery badge as well as taking the Crucial Conversations course through Talent Development; thanks to her award she can now make those things happen.

Millsapps works in Operations at the Lory Student Center and is working to obtain her MBA and a certificate in Student Affairs. Her award will be used to further her education and assist with books, application fees, and tuition.

The recipients are able to use the award in a way that works best for them. The CPC encourages all State Classified employees to apply and wish you the best of luck as you pursue what matters.

Graduation cap and textbooks

About the award

Awards of $500 (taxes will be taken out of this amount) will be made to employees based on need as demonstrated by their application. If chosen for the award, applicants may be asked to submit enrollment verification before funds will be released. To learn more information or to apply, go  to the CPC website.  Deadline to apply is Dec. 4, 2019.