Classified Personnel Council announces Everyday Hero Award recipients

The Classified Personnel Council has announced the latest round of Everyday Hero Award recipients. Below are profiles of each.

Chris Glaze

Glaze has worked for Business and Financial Services for the last 10 years as an IT administrator, with increasing levels of responsibility over that time. Chris Glaze poses with Every Day Hero awardHe previously worked at a data service center and in construction, but with his love of computers, he jumped at the chance to take a position at CSU.

Glaze was nominated for the Everyday Hero Award by three of his coworkers. Laura Snowhite, administrative assistant in Business and Financial Services, says, “Chris always goes above and beyond. Our department couldn’t function without him!” Erika Borges, executive assistant to the vice president for university operations, adds, “He’s very responsive, always nice, and never acts like you’ve asked a silly question.” Bob Schur of the Policy and Compliance Office adds, “Chris actually responds so fast it’s like he answers before you’ve even asked the question!”

Glaze loves helping coworkers solve tricky computer issues and making them laugh with eye-roll-worthy dad jokes. His joke for winning the Everyday Hero Award: “Why did the Scarecrow win an award? He was outstanding in his field.” In his spare time, Chris enjoys tinkering with his 3D printer. With it, he makes impressive trinkets, creates fixes for household items, and even makes garden signs for his visually impaired mother.

“It’s a joy to work with people,” Glaze says. “It’s an honor be awarded the Everyday Hero Award.”

Mary Seaman

Seaman has worked for the CSU Libraries for 32 years and has been in her current role as a library technician since 2010. She says that CSU has always been a great place to work, and since she has always loved books, her job is an excellent fit.Mary Seaman poses with Every Day Hero Award

Charlene Spencer, administrative assistant III for the Graduate School, has known Seaman for almost 15 years and nominated her for the Everyday Hero Award.

“Mary works a full-time job at CSU, holds an accountant position that keeps her busy during tax season, and dedicates a lot of time to working for Special Olympics. I don’t know how she can do it all so well,” Spencer says.

Seaman’s true passion is coordinating and coaching Special Olympics. With 19 adult athletes, eight volunteers, and countless logistics to coordinate, Seaman is kept incredibly busy. She says she “loves giving back to others and the community,” and even gets the chance to play in some of the basketball games with the athletes. If she wasn’t busy enough, Seaman still finds time to take advantage of the Employee Study Privilege by taking at least one course a semester, enjoys watching Broncos games, and loves knitting and crocheting. When asked how she felt winning this award, Seaman says she was “stunned! But very honored.”

Stephanie Tomasini

Tomasini has been in her current position as an accounting technician for the Lory Student Center for over a year, but she has been working at CSU since she was a student.Stephanie Tomasini poses with Everyday Hero Award “I love how working here keeps you young and involved,” she says.

Tomasini was nominated for the Everyday Hero Award by Juliette Bartzen, a custodian for the Lory Student Center.

In her nomination, Bartzen wrote, “Stephanie has amazing respect for welcoming students and international students into our workforce. She bends genuinely to help them navigate all their concerns. Stephanie is one of the most genuine people you could encounter, committing to support all sides of any issue with graciousness.”

In her spare time, Tomasini volunteers on the Foundation Board for Poudre High School. She takes on any opportunity to volunteer at church or in the community. Tomasini is also an avid reader and recently read and enjoyed The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. When asked what she’d like people to know about her, Tomasini replied, “I hope I can be a resource for people who need it. I want everyone to feel comfortable and safe in their time here.”

Ida Tieman

Tieman has been an administrative assistant in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology for eight years. Tieman spent many years working all over the United States before finally coming back to CSU, where she is an alumna with a Ida Tieman poses with Everyday Hero Awarddegree in speech and theater arts.

Edit Szalai, a program manager in Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, nominated Tieman for the award because “Ida juggles all her duties flawlessly, miraculously and with a smile every day. Over the years she had to learn skills well beyond her duties, such as being a main contact person for our freezer monitoring system.” Szalai also adds, “I don’t know if I tell Ida enough how much we appreciate her, and I wanted to acknowledge her dedication.”

Tieman loves working at CSU, but is also eagerly looking forward to retirement in November. She jokes that her husband will have their RV packed and sitting at the curb on her last day, ready to start their retirement travels. They plan to spend a lot of time in Arizona and Louisiana with their daughter and grandkids. In addition to traveling around in the RV, Tieman enjoys walking and reading (she’s a big James Patterson fan). When asked what she wants her fellow employees to know about her, she laughs and says, “after I retire, not my phone number!”

Kai LaBarthe

LaBarthe has worked as an environmental services technician for Housing and Dining Services for over three years. He’s been in his role as a lead for almost a year.Kai LaBlarthe poses with Everyday Hero Award

His coworker Ross Peterson nominated LaBarthe because “Kai comes in every day with a smile on his face, a spring in his step, and a warm greeting for everyone he meets. Throughout the workday, he consistently and readily helps anyone he can with the utmost of positive attitudes. Even when dealing with a heavier workload Kai is readily positive and does his best to promote teamwork and enthusiasm while working on motivating other team members.”

LaBarthe’s passions outside of work include travel and languages. He spent five months in Japan learning the language, and is now mastering French. “I would love to go to France soon,” he says, “and having a job overseas someday would be nice, too!” For a more short-term goal, LaBarthe would eventually like to end up working in Conference and Event Services. About winning the Everyday Hero Award, he says he was “surprised! It’s nice – things can often go unnoticed. I really want to help people succeed, even as I try to grow my own skills.”

The Everyday Hero Award is sponsored by the Classified Personnel Council to recognize the day-to-day achievements of all CSU employees (state classified, administrative professionals and faculty). To nominate someone, visit the CPC website.