ALVS Serves helps to hydrate students at football games

The Adult Learner and Veteran Services office has introduced a new service program in which volunteers hand out 1,000 free bottles of water at football games at Hughes Stadium during tailgating.

The program, ALVS Serves, was created to support the surrounding CSU community by promoting the well-being of students as well as to promote the service aspect of the CSU principles of community. The ALVS office noticed that dehydration could be an issue for students tailgating before home games, and decided to provide a way to alleviate the risk of dehydration.

“It is taking tailgating to the next level,” said Nate Day, ALVS student coordinator for media marketing and event planning.

‘Water Brigade’

water-brigadeThe volunteers are called the “Water Brigade,” and the members of the brigade cart a wagon around the parking lot of Hughes Stadium and offer students water. Volunteering for the brigade is open to the campus, and to all organizations that would like to take part. The goal of the program is to have students “take care responsibly.”

CSU reported no alcohol-related medical issues at the Oct. 1 home football game. The water bottles that were given to students from members of the Water Brigade may have contributed to that.

“We’re so happy to hear that there were no alcohol-related health problems at the game, and we can’t claim that it is only because of us, but access to water is definitely a big help,” said ALVS director Marc Barker. “We’re happy to hear that students were safe and hydrated, and we’re really excited to have played a part in that by being able to give out 1,000 water bottles.”

Every home game, the ALVS office has a designated spot at the tailgate. The office also grills food to give out to students during tailgating.

ALVS Serves is an ongoing initiative that is partnered with the CSU Athletics’ Take Care program.

The ALVS office specializes in assisting adult learners, student parents and student veterans transition back into an academic setting. The office provides a broad range of resources to help students succeed academically and professionally.

Participants interested in volunteering for the program can sign up at