Advanced Industries Accelerator Program now accepting grant applications

CSU Ventures logoA total of about $450,000 in grant funding for proof-of-concept research, provided by the state of Colorado, is available to Colorado State University researchers.

CSU Ventures, the university’s technology and commercialization office, is now accepting applications for Advanced Industries Accelerator Program Proof-of-Concept grants, created in 2013 by the Colorado Legislature. The deadline to submit a letter of intent to apply is 4 p.m., July 20.

The state-supported awards promote the success of seven designated industries in Colorado: aerospace; advanced manufacturing; bioscience; electronics; energy and natural resources; infrastructure engineering; and technology and information.

Advanced Industries Accelerator Program grant funding is intended to identify technologies developed at research institutions and connect them to the private sector. Competitive applications demonstrate significant economic impact or competitive advantage for Colorado by accelerating the pace of applied research and leading to the rapid commercialization of products and services.

Application Instructions

To begin the application process, submit a Letter of Intent to by 4 p.m. on July 20, 2018, using the template provided below. There is a 1:3 (1 Applicant: 3 Office of Economic Development and International Trade) matching requirement for the program. Matching funds must be cash (no in-kind). Proposals should request no more than $100,000 in Advanced Industries funding, not including matching funds.

Applicants invited to submit full applications will be emailed the full application template, which needs to be completed by 4 p.m. Aug. 24, 2018. At this stage, CSU Ventures staff will work with the applicant to identify additional funds for patent or market research costs; CSU Ventures will provide matching funds for these budget additions

Budgets for full applications need to be approved by CSU’s Office of Sponsored Programs prior to submitting the full application. Applicants selected for funding will also need to complete the Office of Economic Development and International Trade’s online application to receive funding. Instructions on completing this application will be provided to selected applicants.

Get information on how to begin the application process.