You did it again: Giving Tuesday shatters records

Giving Tuesday 2018 totalsOnce again, Rams have come through when it comes to taking care of their fellow Rams.

Donors shattered all previous Giving Tuesday records for support of Rams Against Hunger, the CSU program built to help students battling food insecurity. In all, $98,214 was donated by 1,538 supporters on the annual day of giving, providing 13,546 meals for students in need. Last year, donors contributed $73,290 to support RAH.

“Time and again the extraordinary generosity of our donors comes through for our students,” said Thea Rounsaville, assistant director of annual giving. “Thanks to your gifts we can provide thousands of meals that will directly benefit students struggling with food insecurity. These meals go a long way to ensuring success for our students.”

CSU supporters can donate to any CSU cause on Giving Tuesday, and many did, adding another $27,369 to the day’s total. But Rams Against Hunger, which provides one meal per day in CSU dining centers for students who qualify, is the primary target.

Amazing support, amazing growth

The growth of support for the program has been remarkable. Since launching in 2014, when 125 donors contributed $10,000, support has ballooned by nearly tenfold.

“Year after year, Giving Tuesday is a shining example of the power of collective action. Our donors have such a heart for CSU and its students,” said Kim Tobin, vice president for University Advancement. “Thank you, Rams, for taking care of our Rams!”