A wicked problem: Not enough clean water

global warming instigated storm

Sources of clean drinking water are increasingly at risk as heavier rains associated with global warming cause streams, rivers, and lakes to overflow, increasing the risk of water-borne pathogens.

FEBMTPposterIs clean, adequate water sustainable?

In a time of great uncertainty surrounding clean, available freshwater resources for a growing population and a fragile ecosystem, how do we achieve a sustainable path forward when considering the potential impacts of climate change at a global scale?

What are our challenges, successes, and prospects to work together to address these issues with no easy answers?

Managing the Planet panel presentation

The title of the next Managing the Planet presentation is, “A Wicked Problem: Challenges of the water and climate nexus for a sustainable future.”

Four expert panelists will discuss how a changing climate can influence the availability and quality of our planet’s finite water resources – for humans, the natural and built environments, and for growing our food, fiber and fuel.

With an anticipated increase of pressure on our global water resources, there is little doubt that future generations will face similar and even more complex issues concerning climate change and its impacts on water unless we respond to today’s issues in a sustainable manner.

To build on this continuing conversation, the panel will put forward the key questions and potential solutions for consideration, discussion, and action.


  • Ellen Wohl, Professor, Department of Geosciences, CSU
  • Reagan Waskom, Director, Colorado Water Institute, CSU
  • Kelly Elder, United States Forest Service
  • Brad Udall, Colorado Water Institute, CSU

The panel appears at Avogadro’s Number, 605 S. Mason Street, on Wednesday, October 15 from 5-6:30 p.m.

Sponsorship – SOGES and CSU Water Center

Sponsored by the School of Global Environmental Sustainability.  This is part of the CSU School of Global Environmental Sustainability (SoGES) Managing the Planet Topics in Sustainability series, held once a semester. This panel is co-sponsored by the CSU Water Center.