What does sustainability mean to you? Nov. 14

Managing The Planet event poster 2018The School of Global Environmental Sustainability will host a discussion around the question: “What does sustainability mean to you?” on Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 5-6:30 pm at Avogadro’s Number.

This panel discussion, the final event of the year in the Managing the Planet series, is part of a continued celebration of the 10th anniversary of the School of Global Environmental Sustainability, who hopes to engage people in reflecting on how we view sustainability.

With topics ranging from environmental protection to social justice, and business economics to technology, the panelists will explore how the current paradigm of sustainability has developed over the last three decades. The 1987 Brundtland Commission’s definition of sustainable development as “development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” is still heavily cited today.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals — 17 of them — require all disciplines and people from various walks of life working together if the many global challenges are to be reached by 2030.  What strides have we made?

Panelists will address these topics of sustainability and what it means to them, but they would also like to hear from the audience.

Panelists include:

• Kathleen Galvin, Department of Anthropology and Geography and director of the Africa Center
• Ken Shockley, Department of Philosophy
• Emily Fischer, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
• Miranda Redmond, Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship

The discussion will be moderated by Gene Kelly, faculty research liaison at the School of Global Environmental Sustainability, deputy director of the Agricultural Experiment Station and Associate Dean of CSU Extension.

The panel discussion is free of charge and open to the public.

Avogadro’s Number is located at 605 S. Mason Street.

Visit the School of Global Environmental Sustainability website to learn more about the school and its programs..