Volunteers needed for Fall Clean Up on Nov. 5

The 2016 Fall Clean Up crew is looking for volunteers to help clean up the community on Nov. 5 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.fcu_logo_2016_10x10-01

Every year since 2005, Colorado State University students and faculty have assisted elderly and/or physically limited neighbors clean up their yards. In addition to helping residents who cannot complete the work themselves or cannot afford to pay someone to do it, the program has facilitated positive relations between CSU members and the community.

Volunteers in past years have worked on various tasks, including raking leaves, trimming bushes and cleaning gutters. In 2009, a leaf pick-up was added to the program at the request of many long-time neighbors. That portion of Fall Clean Up now ensures that all bags of collected leaves are efficiently disposed of.

While the program started with only about 50 volunteers helping 24 neighbors, in 2015 the program involved 1,200 volunteers who assisted 231 neighbors.

While the program has continued to have a positive impact on the Fort Collins community, Fall Clean Up needs help to make this the biggest year for volunteers and community outreach yet.

For more information or to register as a volunteer, visit: http://ocl.colostate.edu/fall-clean-up. The deadline for project registration is Oct. 14.