Voicemail system changes coming to CSU

CSU phones

A new voicemail system is coming to CSU in November. Be on the lookout for emails from ACNS and Telecommunications in the coming weeks with more information about the voicemail changes.

Changes are coming to Colorado State University’s voicemail system this semester.

ACNS – Academic Computing & Networking Services — and Telecommunications are implementing a new system, called MyPhone voicemail. CSU faculty and staff will be able to set up their voicemail beginning Nov. 4, and MyPhone voicemail will go live Nov. 18.

CSU is making the transition because Microsoft is discontinuing connection support for the current voicemail product on Dec. 1.

The MyPhone voicemail user experience is expected to be similar to the current system.

“While we need to move to a new system due to some changes outside our control, we are working to design a new system that will be great for users,” said Brandon Bernier, director of ACNS and Telecommunications. “It will give our campus community a very similar experience with their voicemail as they have today.”

Users will still have the same office telephones after the transition and will still be able to access voicemail via email as well as by dialing (970) 491-5500. The ability to change voicemail settings in myphone.colostate.edu also will be similar in the new system.

However, the MyPhone system will have limited support for the message waiting indicator light on office telephones. The new system will not have voicemail transcription to email.

What to expect

In the coming weeks, ACNS and Telecommunications will be sending out email communications providing information for users to set up their new voicemail in preparation for the new system’s launch.

On Nov. 4, users will receive a temporary dial-in number and a temporary PIN to access the MyPhone voicemail system. With this temporary access, users will able to log in to the system to change their PIN and record their greeting(s) before the system goes live. If users are using call answering rules in the current voicemail system, they will need to set these up again in MyPhone voicemail.

Users will still be able to set up their voicemail after the MyPhone system goes live on Nov. 18. However, voicemail will not have a custom greeting and features such as call answering rules will not work until you take action. Voicemail messages saved in the current system will not be moved over to the MyPhone system. Any transcribed voicemail messages that are stored in email will not be affected.

To learn more about the upcoming voicemail changes, ACNS and Telecommunications has created a website to help answer questions at telecom.colostate.edu/vmail-changes.

Voicemail changes fast facts 


Monday, Nov. 4: CSU faculty and staff to receive communications with temporary login information needed to set up MyPhone voicemail with a new PIN and greeting. 


Monday, Nov. 18: MyPhone voicemail goes live. 


Features: Voicemails will still be sent via email; access and settings will remain located at (970) 491-5500 and myphone.colostate.edu. 


Changes: No voicemail transcription; voicemails saved in the current system will not be transferred to MyPhone voicemail; voicemails will be deleted after sitting 30 days in MyPhone voicemail.  


Frequently asked questions: telecom.colostate.edu/vmail-changes