VIDEO: The international impact of Diana Wall’s work on soil biodiversity

In this video, Colorado State University Distinguished Professor Diana Wall talks about receiving the 2019 President’s Medal from the British Ecological Society. She received the award Dec. 12 at the annual meeting of the society in Belfast.

The society’s president awards the prestigious honor at the end of each term of office – every two years – as a personal gift.

“Each year, the BES awards prizes to recognize and celebrate the exceptional contributions of individuals to advancing ecology and communicating its importance for society,” said Professor Richard Bardgett, president of the British Ecological Society, in a release issued earlier this year.

Research Scientist Andre Franco, who works in Wall’s lab in the Department of Biology at CSU, said he considers himself lucky to be able to work with her.

Diana Wall

“It was very much a surprise to get it for doing work on nematodes and working in soils. There’s recognition now that the diversity in soils is key to processing carbon and nitrogen.”

— Colorado State University Distinguished Professor Diana Wall