Understanding the EPA’s Clean Power Plan

CLEAN ENERGYPOSTERThe Colorado State University Energy Institute, the Center for the New Energy Economy and the School of Global Environmental Sustainability will co-host an informational overview of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan for the CSU community and the public, featuring former Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter and CNEE senior policy advisors, Sept. 30, 1:30-3:30 p.m., at the Lory Student Center Theatre.

The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Click here to register.

The Clean Power Plan requires reductions in carbon pollution from the power sector that’s contributing to climate change. This workshop will explore the technical, environmental and political implications of this landmark legislation.

By 2030, the Clean Power Plan will reduce carbon emissions from power plants by 32 percent below 2005 levels. That’s equal to the annual emissions from 166 million cars or 70 percent of our country’s passenger vehicles. (Source: USEPA)

The Clean Power Plan is a key element of the U.S. strategy to address climate change. CNEE is facilitating a dialogue among Western states, utilities, and stakeholder to help coordinate the development and implementation of compliance plans in the region.

Learn more about the Clean Power Plan here or at EPA’s Clean Power Plan website.

Click here for more information about this event please visit or contact Maury Dobbie, assistant director for the Center for New Energy Economy, at 970-491-3788 or Maury.Dobbie@colostate.edu