Time to vote in the ASCSU 2015 presidential elections

The 2015 Associated Students of Colorado State University presidential campaigns are underway, and three candidate teams are facing off in the election this week.

The voting period starts Monday, April 6, at 8 a.m. and will close April 8 at 4 p.m. There will be voting stations in the Lory Student Center and Morgan Library, and students can also vote online on RamWeb.

Logo1ASCSU‘s mission is to function as a liaison between the CSU administration, the city of Fort Collins, the state of Colorado and the nation, advocating for student needs. ASCSU is the voice of CSU students, and works to create a diverse experience for each student by promoting academic, athletic and cultural events open to all students.

Below is more information about each candidate team for the 2015-2016 school year.

Jason Sydoriak and Taylor Albaugh

Jason Sydoriak is a senior political science major, and Taylor Albaugh is a sophomore majoring in business administration.

Their initiatives include making printing easier on campus, changing grading procedures, and creating an academic department within ASCSU that would manage test files and faculty relations. They also want to fight for free parking and late-night food and coffee in the Lory Student Center during finals week. Finally, they hope to establish a Middle Eastern Cultural Center and a campus review board for CSUPD, as well as reflections rooms to give students spaces for prayer, meditation and reflection.

Click here to view Sydoriak and Albaugh’s Facebook page.

Kwon Yearby and Clayton King

Kwon Yearby is a junior economics major, and Clayton King is a sophomore with a dual major in economics and political science.

“Our priorities in our campaign are sustainability and fighting for student rights,” Yearby said. “We are running a completely green campaign by not distributing flyers; and we want to invest in more blue recycle bins, zero-waste events and improving the on-campus shuttle Around the Horn. We want to fight for rights to fair quality housing, monthly grade updates, and self-care days. We also want to put women’s studies and sexual assault awareness courses in the core curriculum. It’s time to finally have the difficult conversations campuswide about how we view women in society.”

The candidates also hope to increase diversity seats in the ASCSU senate, increase student organization funding, and change the Fort Collins U+2 housing law.

Click here to view Yearby and King’s Facebook page.

Lauren Wester and Filipp Dedogryuk

Lauren Wester is a junior international studies major, and Filipp Dedogryuk is a junior psychology major.

“Our priority is to offer inspirational leadership, strong representation, and dedicated service to the student body through a transparent student government that is receptive to student concerns while forming constructive relationships with the CSU administration,” Wester said. “Working alongside students, we can enhance the university to encourage a positive university experience.”

Their initiatives include encouraging the use of open-source textbooks; better lighting around campus to ensure student safety; improving collaboration among faith, belief, and spirituality communities; implementing a student absentee policy; and integrating a wide range of diverse populations and perspectives into ASCSU. They also want to address student concerns such as parking, the on-campus stadium and issues around the local U+2 housing law.

Click here to visit Wester and Dedogryuk’s Facebook page.