Q&A with Diana Wall

Diana Wall

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Name: Diana Wall

Title/role at CSU: Director, School of Global Environmental Sustainability; Professor, Department of Biology; and University Distinguished Professor

When did you visit the CSU Todos Santos Center: I have been twice, most recently November 5-7, 2018.

What did you work on during your trip to Todos Santos?

We held our 10-year meeting of the External Advisory Board for the School of Global Environmental Sustainability (SoGES) at the CSU Todos Santos Center. Eleven Board members attended, as well as six faculty, four staff, and three higher administration officials. This was the first time the Board met off campus and it worked to have this retreat here. Together we considered global sustainability challenges, the strengths of the School and CSU at local to global scales, and plans for the next 10 years. We also interacted with members of the Green & Gold Foundation, who were visiting the Center for a leadership retreat during the same time.

What did you find most rewarding about your experience in Todos Santos?

The ability to be concentrating with others on the future of the School, while in a wonderful community and ecosystem that disconnected us from distractions at home. We met on the roof of the Center in an outside classroom, which was quiet and had a beautiful view.

Do you have plans to return to the Center?

Not at the moment, but I would like to, when relevant, attend related meetings.

What are your favorite things about the Todos Santos community?

The people! They are so friendly, helpful, and welcoming. The facilities at the Center were great, the Center staff are gracious, and the food in the cafeteria was excellent. We want to thank them for all the arrangements.

Is there anything else you want people to know about CSU’s involvement in Todos Santos?

The range of classes events the Center hosts both for local residents and CSU faculty, staff, and students.

About the Colorado State University Todos Santos Center

Located in Baja California Sur, Mexico, CSU Todos Santos Center serves as the University’s international hub, providing research and educational opportunities in alignment with existing University curricula.

Advancing CSU’s mission of teaching, research, service, and outreach, the Center collaborates with Mexican universities and organizations, and provides workshops and programs for visitors and local residents.

CSU’s vision in Todos Santos is to cultivate generations of global citizens and to partner in the creation of thriving communities through experiential learning and the exchange of knowledge.

For additional information, visit todossantos.colostate.edu.