Q&A with Daniel Sloan

Headshot of Daniel Sloan

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Name: Dan Sloan

Title/role at CSU: Assistant Professor, Department of Biology

When did you visit the CSU Todos Santos Center?

April 2016 (and additional visits in 2017 and 2018)

What did you work on during your trips to Todos Santos?

Offered a one-week workshop on computational biology and genomics for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty from local institutions in Baja California.

What did you find most rewarding about your experience in Todos Santos?

Meeting researchers working in very diverse areas within the biological sciences, ranging from medical biotechnology to marine and wildlife biology. It is great to learn about their projects and see the interactions that occur between such diverse researchers.

What is your favorite thing about the Todos Santos community?

Todos Santos is a beautiful town nested in a beautiful and unique ecosystem — a great change of pace from Fort Collins.

Is there anything else you want people to know about CSU’s involvement in Todos Santos?

I think CSU faculty should be more aware of the existence of the Center. In addition to the local community, there are many universities and research institutions in Baja California, so there is potential to establish international collaborations. I could imagine natural connections to explore areas related to culture, art, language, and research science.

About the Colorado State University Todos Santos Center

Located in Baja California Sur, Mexico, CSU Todos Santos Center is the University’s only international location, providing research and educational opportunities in alignment with existing University curricula.

Advancing CSU’s mission of teaching, research, service, and outreach, the Center collaborates with Mexican universities and organizations, and provides workshops and programs for visitors and local residents.

CSU’s vision in Todos Santos is to cultivate generations of global citizens and to partner in the creation of thriving communities through experiential learning and the exchange of knowledge. For additional information, visit todossantos.colostate.edu.