Look into the future at FutureVisions 2025

FutureVisions 2025

The FutureVisions 2025 virtual symposium will use communications technology that had not been invented when the series began to provide attendees the chance to peer even farther into the future.

The seventh biennial event, originally planned for last spring, will take place Oct. 16, 1– 4:30 p.m. over Zoom. FutureVisions will feature speakers from the academic, technology, manufacturing, health care, energy, and space industries who will be sharing what the future could look like in these sectors.

Topics and presenters include:

  • Clint Oldenburg, EA Sports – The Evolution of Technology in Madden NFL
  • Steve Gerali and Ian Rousom, Lockheed Martin – Intelligent Factories of the Future
  • David Yu, Esri – Deep Learning and Geoscience
  • Chip Woods and Tony Antonelli, Lockheed Martin – The Future of Human Space Exploration: Lunar and Mars
  • Steve Lovaas, Colorado State University – Security, Privacy, and Equity: A Creeping Revolution
  • Celeste Stragand, Ford Smart Mobility – The Future of the Smart Car
  • Joe Gersch, Colorado State University – Security and Privacy
  • Tyler Svitak, Colorado Smart Cities Alliance – The Connected Smart City of the Future
  • Brian Scriber, CableLabs – Protecting Privacy in Healthcare and Insurance

Event attendees will have an opportunity to ask speakers questions in a virtual open forum following each presentation. FutureVisions 2025 is free and open to the public – preregistration is not required.

More information about the event can be found on the Office of the Vice President for Research event website.

This event is sponsored by the CSU Libraries, the Geoffrey W. Holmes Technology Fund, and the Office of the Vice President for Research.