Plaza Days: Hang out, have lunch and enjoy performances

As part of the LSC’s 61st birthday, the CSU is invited to the Plaza each week during April for some light-hearted fun.

The Lory Student Center Governing Board and RamEvents are inviting the Colorado State University community to the Plaza each week during April for some light-hearted fun. Live performances, free food and giveaways will be offered from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays to entertain students and staff taking a midday break.

“Our goal is to offer opportunities for student organizations to showcase different talents and engage with other students. We’ll have a cappella groups, dance groups, food and other fun surprises during Plaza Days,” RamEvents Coordinator Carlos Rubio Regalado said.

The first of these events is set for April 5 and will feature a hip-hop group and breakfast burritos provided by LSC Catering. KCSU deejays will keep things lively, and members of Associated Students of Colorado State University will be on hand for this final day of voting in student elections.

Entertainment in coming weeks will include a swing dance demonstration on April 12 and a performance by CSU Rampage Basketball Band on April 19, that will lead an energetic celebration marking the LSC’s 61st birthday.

“We hope to create a fun, welcoming vibe on the Plaza,” Pamela Norris, associate executive director of Engagement and Talent Development at the LSC, said. “Everyone’s invited to bring their lunch, hang out, and enjoy the performances.”

Norris said that she hopes this kind of activity on the Plaza will continue into the fall, and that more student organizations take advantage of the space to share what they do with the LSC community.

“We’d like to showcase our talented students and highlight the important contributions our student organizations make in building campus community,” Norris said, adding that another goal for organizers is to bolster interest in programming on the Plaza. Events have been planned that welcome attendance and provide the opportunity for student groups to collaborate, Norris said.

“Students should feel comfortable taking up space at the LSC,” Regalado said. “Our hope for these Plaza Days is to engage the Plaza and student organizations in different ways.”

With that goal in mind, RamEvents has plans to move some of their events previously planned for other locations to the Plaza in coming weeks. Offerings will be expanded as interest takes hold, Norris said, and could include additional performances from the approximately 75 student groups that are performance focused.

The popular University Picture Day is scheduled for Wednesday, April 26, on the Plaza, and offers an opportunity for students to have professional portraits taken free of charge. Plans also are under way to bring basic needs resources to Plaza Days and connect even more students and staff.

“We are excited to get people together in the sunshine this Spring. This could be the makings of a great new tradition,” Norris said.