Guns and biodiversity: threat or conservation tool? Nov. 15

black bearThe Global Biodiversity Center at Colorado State University will host a panel discussion, “Guns and Biodiversity: Threat or Conservation Tool?” on Thursday, Nov. 15, from 5-6:30 pm at Avogadro’s Number.

Guns and hunting have complex roles in biodiversity conservation. Poaching and over-harvesting of wildlife are clear threats to many species. But wisely-managed hunting can be an important tool for maintaining populations and garnering support for wildlife conservation.

A panel of biologists, conservationists and hunters will explore the complex relationship between guns, hunting and biodiversity.

Panelists include:

• Stewart Breck, National Wildlife Research Center, United States Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
• Janet George, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
• Aaron Kindle, National Wildlife Federation
• Mark Vieira, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
• George Wittemyer, Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology at CSU

The discussion will be moderated by Jacey Cerda from CSU’s School of Global Environmental Sustainability, where the Global Biodiversity Center is housed.

Avogadro’s Number is located at 605 S. Mason Street.

The Global Biodiversity Center works to advance understanding, conservation, and appreciation of life’s variation, ranging from genetics and organisms to ecosystems and their interactions. It is important to maintain resilient ecosystems supporting a diversity of plants and animals, which enhances societal health and wellbeing, and strengthens human links to wild nature. We will work to maintain and enhance biodiversity through research, policy advancement, education and outreach.