Greening Beer: How local brewers are prioritizing sustainability

The School of Global Environmental Sustainability hosts a panel discussion to celebrate our local brewers and highlight their environmental efforts and sustainability practices Thursday, Sept. 7, 5-6:30 p.m. at Avogadro’s Number, 605 S. Mason St.

The SoGES panel will explore the opportunities to reduce emissions and conserve on water and energy losses within the beer industry. Independent brewers whose operations reflect differing size and structure will discuss how they prioritize sustainability measures and increase efficiency and ecological responsibility.

• Katie Wallace, New Belgium Brewing
• Corey Odell, Odell Brewing Company
• Charlie Hoxmeier, Gilded Goat Brewing Company

Greening beer poster

The discussion will be moderated by Gene Kelly, associate director for research and development at SoGES, deputy director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, and associate dean of Extension.

The panel discussion, part of the Managing the Planet series, is free of charge and open to the public. Visit the SoGES website for more information.