Faculty as agents of educational transformation: New tools, opportunities

All CSU faculty, tenured/tenure track and non-tenure track, are invited to attend an All Faculty Meeting in the main Ballroom of the Lory Student Center on Tuesday, Oct. 21, noon-1 p.m.

“Faculty as Agents of Educational Transformation: New Tools and Opportunities” will talk about the student success initiative and the growing impact of web-based tools that are enhancing student learning at CSU.

“I’m sure faculty members are aware of the many efforts the University has made in recent years to improve student success,” said Provost and Executive Vice President Rick Miranda. “The aim of this meeting is to highlight new student success initiatives and to draw attention to some new tools and opportunities that should make your job as teachers easier.”

Topics of interest

Some of the topics to be covered in this meeting include:

  • Lessons from the student success initiative: We’ve learned much more about how students learn and the pathways to timely graduation. Based on that we have new tools to apply that knowledge systematically.
  • CSU is a founding member of the Unizin consortium of universities that are working together to build a large set of tools to support digital learning for residential instruction, flipped classroom, and online courses/degrees. As part of Unizin, we are converting to a powerful learning management system called Canvas.
  • We’re using the Educational Advisory Board’s analytics to mine multiyear classroom data that will allow us to identify switching patterns for majors, identify courses that predict student success and determine how to modify course sequences to improve the graduation efficiency of our students.
  • And much more.

Presenters will be Mary Stromberger, chair of Faculty Council; Laura Jensen, director of Institutional Research; Paul Thayer, associate vice president for Student Affairs; Alan Lamborn, associate provost for Educational Attainment, Blanche Hughes, vice president for Student Affairs; and Kathleen Pickering, vice provost for Undergraduate Affairs.

After the presentations, light refreshments will be served during the Q&A session.

A video of the presentations will be made available on the web following the meeting.