CSU Career Center, JCPenney help students Suit-Up for success

Suit-Up logoJob interviews can be stressful, especially for first-time job seekers. For many, having the right interview outfit is a big part of that stress. Earlier this fall, many Colorado State University students could rest easier, thanks to a partnership between CSU’s Career Center and JCPenney.

On Sept. 9, more than 600 students and their family members, as well as faculty and staff, participated in the second annual CSU Suit-Up Event. The event offers 40 percent discounts on select career apparel, shoes, undergarments, and accessories.

The price tag for career clothing, especially suits, can be cost-prohibitive for many of students, making the CSU Suit-Up Event the perfect fit for Rams strapped for cash.

“We’ve always had a variety of programs and resources to help support students with their career apparel needs,” said Katie Flint, director of employer connections and career center operations at CSU, “so when JCPenney reached out to us last spring with an opportunity to partner, we jumped at the chance.”

Career Center resources

The CSU Career Center provides career and job search counseling and education services to all students, alumni and faculty and staff. Handshake, an online portal for students, alumni and employers, allows job-seekers and job-providers to connect and network around specific internship and employment opportunities. The Career Center also helps employers make the right connections to the university and build relationships to meet their hiring goals and other needs.

Students shopping during the CSU Suit-Up Event expressed thanks for JCPenney’s support.

“The financial help through the discount was tremendously helpful for a starving college student with big dreams,” said one CSU student who participated in Suit Up. “It helps so many people afford professional, well-fitting attire. There is certainly a huge need for this kind of event. This event is awesome!”

For more information and other CSU Career Center services and resources, visit the Career Center website. www.career.colostate.edu.