CSU Blue Ocean deadline extended

The deadline to apply to compete in the CSU Blue Ocean Enterprises Challenge, one of the nation’s richest business pitch competitions, has been extended to Jan. 30, 2015. Collegiate entrepreneurs from the state of Colorado, startups seeking capital, and existing businesses seeking expansion capital are invited to apply online for a chance at a grand prize package of $250,000 in funding and a 12-month business mentoring program.

The second annual competition will take place the week of May 26-30, 2015, in Fort Collins, Colorado, during the second annual Fort Collins Startup Week. Interested entrepreneurs may learn more about the application criteria and submit applications to compete in one of two tracks at www.blueoceanchallenge.com.

Two Tracks

The Enterprise Track competition is open to startups and established companies in any industry. Applicants in this track must be based in the United States and have gross revenue of $100,000 in the past 12 months or have raised a minimum of $100,000 in capital. This competition will award a $250,000 grand prize and other awards.

The Collegiate Track competition is open to actively enrolled undergraduate or graduate student entrepreneurs attending any accredited university or college in Colorado or who have graduated in the last 12 months from an accredited university in the state of Colorado. This competition will award a $20,000 grand prize and other awards.

The 2015 CSU Blue Ocean Enterprises Challenge will feature a tournament structure that uses a bracket format in a single-elimination pitch tournament. Teams will make timed business presentations to a panel of expert judges who will provide on-the-spot votes.

The deadline to apply online for the CSU Blue Ocean Enterprises Challenge (both tracks) is 11:59 p.m. Mountain Standard Time Jan. 30, 2015. Additional information for applicants, potential competition sponsors, and interested volunteers is available at www.blueoceanchallenge.com.

Questions about the CSU Blue Ocean Enterprises Challenge may be directed to Christine Chin, Christine.Chin@business.colostate.edu.