Ask Us! for library help anytime, anywhere

Askus-scrren shotColorado State University Libraries want patrons to Ask Us! about research questions or help finding reference materials.

The Libraries’ new reference service, Ask Us!, provides quick responses to questions via 24/7 online chat or text message. Anyone can text a reference question to (970) 497-3112, or chat with a librarian at the Ask Us! site.

Ask Us! answers questions about finding the best library resources, databases, and materials for research. Questions about library services, hours, and support can be answered as well.

Connecting the campus community to information and knowledge critical for learning and research is the mission of the CSU Libraries. Ask Us! supports that mission by providing 24/7 research assistance to students, faculty, and staff.

More information about research services at the CSU Libraries can be found at the Help Desk, or by contacting a College Liaison Librarian.

Connect with your librarian or get library help here.